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E11 - The Great Rebranding

Valerie Garrison Season 1 Episode 11

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  • Review proposal from Creative for new names - start saying goodbye to Meta Market!


  • Consider the name ideas… must decide on something soon.
  • Reconsider partnerships with dating apps
  • Kate to read all the updated contracts NCIS sent over
  • Thea to reach out to the typeface contractor and work through their unique pricing, perhaps while at sea

for this episode, you might want to see some visuals. You can find them on our Twitter at startup recorded. welcome to this startup is being recorded. This recording is improvised fiction. Similarities between it and the real world are entirely intentional. Now enjoy the recording.


Okay. Our recording is on. Thea. It's so great to have you back. Uh, I feel like the new year really kicks off today. So we have a exciting meeting today. We're finally going to see the results of the creative team's work of our new name. Um, I guess for anyone who's jumping into this meeting without context, uh, we are called market, but you know, that name has, is being bought from us by Facebook. So. Kind of traded in a way, I would say it's sort of like a barter deal, but, uh, anyway. Yeah. So let's just quickly introduce ourselves and then jump right in. Um,


I can start. Yeah, I'm I will be presenting the creative today because I am the chief creative czar of Metro market. Uh, soon to be dead named.


dead name. Yeah. I'm Kate Blanchet. I'm the chief of staff. I work under John. I should say that he plan to watch this recording, um, is what he told me. So will make sure to send it to him. He, he did say he has his projector set up in his game room. So I assume that's for this, but yeah, he's, he's not coming, but I'll


I did share some of these ideas and full disclosure to John, um, when he came for the campaign when in Des Moines, for the couch. So yeah, we he's seen a couple of these ideas.




I can't believe you got to see John at how, how did he look?


He seemed, you know, he was John, you know, very standoffish. I mean, he was there, he big, you know, gave the couches, acceptance speech. And then I turned around right when the balloon stropped and keep with God.




So I'm glad I cornered him in the green room and locked the door for, know, 20 minutes to just get some feedback and, know, have my peace with him. But, uh, you know, he seems fine and healthy and non-existent.


I'm so glad to hear he's healthy now. Um,


well, probably healthy for John, right.


Yeah, I mean, yes, exactly. He, you know, was making the attempt of drinking a green smoothie in the morning and like that's so different than his normal diet of, you know, Doritos and pizza rolls and a combination and kind of a cereal format.




uh, anyway, we should, uh, I guess carry




my name is, uh, Matt, And, uh, that's also my domain where you can learn more about me. the CTO here at, uh, the company soon to no longer be named.


Yep. Uh, and I am Eric Joyce Carter, uh, chief products, officer of. Companies formerly known as Metta market. That's still, still currently, soon.


yeah, yeah. Really excited today.




Kelsey, I know your team has been really hard at work clocking a lot of hours for this one. And uh, it's just kind of exciting and like, I don't know who.


Yeah. I mean, I am so excited to be back as most of, you know, you know, I just spent the past of weeks on a holiday slash baby moon to prep for this, just so I could feel really refreshed. And like, I'm kind of seeing these ideas for the first time myself to, you know, so think. They have come from my brain. I'm just saying that I either have refreshed and like I'm seeing them with new eyes and I'm in a new light. So really excited. I am going to share these with you.






we, got the big screen set up for this.


Yeah. So.


yeah. Okay.


I know groundbreaking so big. And it's honestly, one we really tried to simmer down. know, we literally put a couch, a part of a couch into a. Crock-Pot and we let it simmer for a little bit while we all watched it and kind of like rift ideas off of while we were taking in that kind of exhaust. Um, and this is what came out of it. it is pronounced CIT, uh, just like everybody does on a couch, but really brings imbues kind of a fresh way to look at a word that we see every day.






Yeah. I'm noticing some stuff here. Um, are those, are those pedals, are they, do they actually represent couch cushions? Uh, almost feels a little plant, like.


So they are, they represent like two cushions of a couch. So really more of a love seat. We could add a third one, you know, there, depending on how big, and we don't know the future. I mean, sometime, someday, like most people will have sectionals for six seats. And so we can really scale this design based on what our consumers are really going for.


yeah. See, I just worry that SYT will come out site or see it. Or


was going to bring this up too. I was kind of excited that it might be seat. Um, we could kind of hold on to seat at the table as part of our vision.


it. I, I hate to be this person. I'm sure this came up in creative, but you know, it's, it's one letter off from, well, from shit. Like we could just add an Asian there. I feel like that's just going to be a really easy dig, uh, from our detractors.


Yes, but, you know, they would have to deal with the shit S H Y T actual toilet paper brand, you know? Um,


that's true.


yes, they could come at us, but also they'd be doing copyright and Frenchman. It kind of makes it easy for us to, uh, get them trapped respect.


how does that trademark, uh, have we talked with their trademark people? Because we are very close. Like both products are used in a seated position. We both have like strong seating by.


Yeah. I mean, that is honestly a really good point. Um, if we were to go down this road, we would have to kind of sit down with that company. I know their creative director really well, and we could, think, hash it out a couple of days at sea.


I just loved it though. When you said like sit




kind of heard it in the




like, we're a, we're a verb, right? If we're CIT.


So if this was our name, would we all be centered? Cities CIT








especially with our recent win in Des Moines. Citizens feels so.








I, we have more,


Yeah. How many are there? Wow.


um, this is an X one, um, so fast, a really combines, obviously our focus on couches at the moment without tying us to couches, uh, as strongly as. Did, by, by having it almost like the arrow in the FedEx logo, you know, it's part of it, but you don't really see it until you, until you like really stare at it for awhile and it adds fast. So it really builds on Kate's work, you know, really in getting out our, and making sure our sofas get to people fast. Um, so it really talks not only about what we do, but also the movement of that this company.


uh, sorry, what was the, the arrow FedEx? Is there something I'm missing and so far?


Well it's so far.


or so, so fuzz, I was reading a sofas


Yeah. Yeah So like sofas. Or sofa, but so fast would be the name.


you know, I, I kind of like it because I have been eyeing an office property on sofa street, down in Ellicott city. So this would be kind of like our address and our new.




Yeah. So you know, another idea there's going to be more creativity coming at you. So I'll just go to the next one. Another very simple version lounge. Uh, we really thought when we thought about lounge, we went. We liked it. Cause it was not only something you do on a couch similar to sit, but it is also a place where people come together. you think about the wake, you felt at a lounge, it's like happy, it's chill, it's connected. And so we felt like lounge, not only conveyed what people do with our product, but also our values as a company.


Yeah, that's an interesting one. Something about this, uh, this layout I F I feel like I've read this magazine. Is this a magazine type? Or was that just, I'm not super well-versed in design, but this just kind of pops for me.


Yeah. I mean, it isn't a magazine child, but, um, magazine, but it is, um, done in that kind of style to really, we went with like a dictionary look for this. And I should say to that, like, you know, creative, we put in design elements with the name to kind of make it pop, but. We're not set on having this design this word, but for this one, as you can see, we really wanted it to look like, uh, somebody had highlighted it in a dictionary because it is such, we want people to really think the meaning of the word.


Oh, you know, the highlight is so interesting because I thought the yellow box was us looking down on a yellow sofa.


That is interesting.






when you look at the name, if we added another, another long letter, like lounge jet, it would




form a sofa.


Hmm. Right. You can see it. Yeah. There's a, there's a little bit too much arm rest on this sofa, but otherwise I see it. Uh, yeah.


more of a fainting couch right now, you know, I think you could, I


it's just in the living room of one of those people that puts too many pillows on the edge and they've really just padded it out too far.


I mean, we will definitely do our custom typeface for this, so we can also play with the spacing of the letter so we could keep lounge, but we make a really extended E kind of short defy the G


Got it.


good, good food.


yeah. Speaking of which we probably should talk about the rates that the custom typeface contractor is sending. They're getting a little bit Um, guess I don't understand why they have to charge per.


they're I mean, each letter will have its own intrinsic meaning to it, know?


There's also a lot of work that goes into making a typeface that we can use both in print and the formats associated with that. And they've been great about sending us, uh, you know, web ready fonts and, uh, working to make sure that they're hosting that all for us. And, uh, we're not, you know, eating that bandwidth. Um, from a technical standpoint, like they're definitely carrying some weight. I don't know what the numbers look like.


Yeah, no, they they've started charging us by size too. So if we could stick to like the 32 12 that'd be great.


Okay. I mean, Once we get, once we hammer what, see how many this down, let me know. I know the design director there, and I'm sure that there's nothing of this that can't be solved after a couple of days at sea.




well, sorry, sorry. Kela Theo. Do you mean CES or at sea? Like on the.


Um, on the ocean. Yeah, yeah, actually, um, um, yeah, I, I don't know if I told you guys this, but, uh, as part of my baby moon, I was sailing and just realized that so much of life can be worked out on a boat. Like, I feel like my with my son slash bugs be really honestly, Improved when I realized what it was like to be trapped at sea in the Arctic. And, um, I'm just bringing that into.




Yeah. Yeah. I, I stopped into Moines, obviously to, you know, deal with the couch when, and then, uh, chartered a sea plane to take me up to the Arctic circle. So I could out at sea without a paddle, um, on a boat to really what that was like. And just came back a changed woman. Like, can I say.


my gosh. Well, very glad you made it.


Yeah, thank you. And, but Kate, you will notice as part of that experience, I have built in a pretty robust sailing budget into marketing budget this year.


Okay, let's keep going.


let's continue. All right. So this next one, uh, we talked about, you know, what are the values of a couch that you really want and comfy kept coming up as you know, but we don't want to be comfy here. Comfy speaks of without movement without direction, you know, something that's safe and we don't want to be necessarily safe. So we wanted something that. Comfy, but also stellar. And so that's where comes in complete.


It's like comfy plus like on fleek.


Yeah. Complete.




It is. Yes. But I, I think, you know, are. Design and language elements that transcend time, know, that are just like, you might not use them every day, but you kind of understand what they intrinsically feel like. And we feel like fleek is one of those that you might not know what the references, but it sounds, you know, something a little bit more debonair.


I'm just worried about like the original meme was also like kind of an appropriation, uh, especially the way it was. Uh, let's just say taken white culture online, although that's not where it started. Uh, I just worried about that for, for us. I know it's, there's some distance of time there it's safe, but, uh, could we get some blowback?


Matt. That's a really good point. I think that, I think I like the spirit of this, but you bring up really good points about the word. And so maybe one of the things that creative can do is really back and figure out a different word to represent this feeling.


other thing I just, this font that, oh, kind of looks like a U I don't know if the font and the






hadn't, I hadn't noticed.


Yes, Kate I'm, I'm not shocked. You notice that, you know, uh, given how much


This has


energy you have head tough.




Um, but yes, uh you're right. That could be something pretty dangerous. So, right. Uh, we will ceremonially burn com fleek, uh, and. Continue on, and now this is a crazy one, but, uh, we, you know, one thing that was brought up is like, we already have the very strong Bugsby brand. if we just did like a bug Spiess place or some reference of bugs, be kind of like a Craigslist kind of thing. know, like he's already this very lovable, you know, person, and we could just build on the bugs boot brand versus trying to create two brands.


Oh, it's hard to say no to that.


Yeah. It's tough though, to think about bugs, be like involved in my own furniture. Like I, I think a Bugsby as like a Narnia esque representation of what it's like to live in a world where furniture and fantasy are one. And I think bringing that over into an app and I can, I can push a button and like, imagine Bugsby driving a van to bring a couch to me. I don't know. It takes away some of them. Yeah.


I totally understand that it's a little bit blahzay for the bug speed brand and I can see, you know, how that could hurt us in the end. I also think that like, know, uh, this is something that we haven't really ran by bug SPI and we don't know how he's gonna feel. And let's also say that, you know, with any, when you link your brand to. Any sort of living and breathing thing, uh, you really run the reputational risk of bugs me is really great and great for our brand now, but we don't know who bikes beasts going to grow up to be in the future.


That is, so this is why is parenting Califia


Thank you.


I feel like just for a moment I had this worry of like, is what we do not cool enough for Bugsby and I think the answer is yes. And so I can only imagine what you've been going through with the last week, since.


yeah, it is, it is really difficult to really think about my role as fostering the next generation, you know? Um, and what that really means.


wait, it's bugs. We going to have like children or something.


I mean, that is up to bikes B I don't, you know, really get into his life plans. And I think he's, he's really too young to really be considering that. But, you know, if that's something that's in his future, I totally support it. Let's, let's move away from Bugsby. Uh, this is the next one, Trump, uh, we thought about making like more of a luxury one, just to see if that was something that felt S for a brand. You know, if we wanted to do something that felt a little more glitz and glamor, uh, we a lot of research actually into famous chairs and couches, uh, Versailles actually was one of. Biggest innovators in chair design. And so we thought about doing something around, you know, Versailles or around like Kings and, you know, it's just very difficult in this time to talk about monarchies. Uh, you know, it's not, it's not as popular, so we ended up just taking the Frenchness of it. And so this is the French word for throat. Um, and so we thought this could be like a fun way and we've like thrown it really elevates what a chair or a couch could be.


well, yeah, I feel like I can almost smell the cigar smoke coming off of this. Like this is this, this is a brand that at least thinks it's very Luxe.


and I like that the journey, you know, to take as we, as we try and reshape global trade, I mean, Versailles. Monarchy was supposed a stop along the way. We've kind of moved past it. We've got the good luxury elements of it, but maybe left some of the other stuff behind we've left the age behind that's there's a lot of, a lot of, a lot of through lines there.




wondering what this is going to do. Not that, you know, we have any French city rollouts coming up, but like the French in particular have a relationship with monarchy that we may not want to take.


That will affect the year four roadmap.


It's true. And I do like, you know, like a crown, want us to just try this on? I don't think that this is at the end, what we're going to go for, but I want us to really expand our idea of like what this logo and brand could be. So I wanted to think to. Push us, because I think, you know, the other ones, like I said, they've been comfy, they've been loungy. They've been, you know, really, um, familiar. And so just what it is. See, looked like let's try on what if our brand was something aloof and exclusive


know, one thing we haven't talked about the Metta market name was great because it gave us the opportunity to say, obviously we're doing multiple things. Uh, and, uh, I feel like one thing we're in danger of is locking ourselves into one thing. Uh, maybe we could pick multiple ones of these and, uh, you know, we've talked about chairs, they're just couches for one, could be, uh, could be, we do a, a niche, like a throne section of the app. That's a, Hey, forget a couch for your friends and family. This is for you. This is your.


I like that. I like having an exclusive part of the website that only certain people can unlock. You know, it's very good.




Yeah, I mean, we kind of had something like that for a time. Um, it was kind of on accident when we only supported that one upscale. Uh, browser safari version. Um, and there was only people who had hadn't updated their computers for three years that could use it.


oh yeah.


this does feel different than that.




Yeah, I bet there's not a lot of overlap between those two specifics.




All right. So we're, gonna think about it. Um,


what else? we got?


So this is our next one. So we really wanted to go out of the box with this one. Like what if we just threw. Couches. Okay. It's in the box literally, but figuratively. We wanted to break the box and think about like, did we want to do? So we thought about assess who is the Greek God, a building and furniture. And we thought, Ooh, that's great, but we don't want to be really on the nose. So we just shortened it to Estis thought this is a good one. That's just something totally different. But also. It's a God who forges things. And so it really gives us a really big brand malleability, you know, like he's the God of fire and building any sort of thing you want, you know, and gold foraging. I mean, the possibilities are endless.


Yeah. Um, I have two, two things here. Sorry, Kate. Um, I just want to check something to be sure.


Yeah. Yeah. I was just going to ask that about there's really a Greek God of furniture.


That was like one of his minor duties, you know, he had key, he did a lot,


The first thing, uh, that I wanted to check, I verified this is. The Estis rocket brand. I was thinking of that spelled with an E S um, they, there are close, but I think obviously we do different things. this is another one letter away. if you drop an R in there, I don't know if anybody else noticed that.


I was thinking about adding a T


Rest us


see what you're going there.


rest us is good.


Are you going to rest us would, would be good. I was, uh, it was referring to two Astros kind of like the female reproductive cycle term.


Oh, I see.




Yeah. I don't actually think that's a problem. I mean, we could use a lot more, um, femininity and, um, you know, life into our brains.




Yeah, we, we have made at one of our goals to try to even out our demographics, you know, for some reason, a lot of men buy couches from us.


And if you think about that time period, it's a time in which a woman is open to implantation, know, and this is us being open to new ideas and new, new bounds and, you know, uh, new opportunities.


I'm just worried about us coming back around to some of the app tie-ins that we have rejected in the past, um, things. You know, grinder and, and other hookup apps. Um,


Or, or trying to market to women while they're on their period, because you know, they're super emotional and interested in purchasing things.


That was a. A fault on my part. Um, you know, I, but I still think, um, you know, that partnership with the period tracker app led to a lot of sales.




it was a, it was a very thoroughly learned. And do you know when a startup gets one of those? We're grateful.


That's right. All right. Um, only have a couple more, I'll just go this wide our boats out of the POCs wide. Yeah, I know. I know it is a very shocking, as a non, um, so the Sanskrit word for chair is awesome and we were just kind of. Beth at our mantra as we were like trying to suss out like what we wanted this to be. And so like we, as the creative team were just like Austin on Austin, on Austin, on, then it's just like really formed into ass Anon. And I know having a course word in your name, it can be very scary, but I think we see, we're seeing a lot of like really daring brands, you know, use curse word. In their, in their marketing. Can, you know, like how many. Brands you see, you'd like to, know, I don't know, like the fuck up or, you know, I'm S like as fuck is like such a, you know, sexy as fuck, you know, couches, fuck, whatever, like those, those have been, you know, more into it. So I think it, it is definitely risky. Again, this is one that we put in to really push you. But we also think that obviously asks refers to the, but that is where couches said kind of, um, felt, well, it gave us two things. One, it kind of felt like, uh, we, like, we were so addicted to couches, you know, like we had. Get into, you know, we had to like get into like an AA K program, but we also felt like non, the internet is really about being able to meet new people that you wouldn't in your social circles. So like also a non in the sense that like we're building these points of relationships between strangers.


yeah, this feels like maybe we could do this for like a web three offshoot, a decentralized network. It could be this, but I dunno, it feels, really, it feels, you know, it's, it's bold, but I can't see the reach. Uh, you know, I can't see. I can't say keeping de Moines this.


That is true. We ran on some strong family value stuff.


I know


Like really strong


the fundamentalist Christians for Metta market Facebook group, I don't know how they would respond to.


I hear that. I'm, I'm just saying sometimes we wanna market to the people that we want, you know, and, um, is one that might, you know, get us into new markets.


That is true.


Yeah. I mean, this, this has me, uh, circling back around again to. Maybe we were too hasty with some of these potential partnerships and, uh, I


man, true.


sounds like it would go right in with a combination, uh, hookup matchmaking app and, uh, furniture delivery and pick up in cleaning.


I mean as, as the rep from Grindr has reminded us many times before 80% of their hookups happen on couches.


Yeah, well, you know, if we don't end up using it and maybe, maybe.


Yeah. Great.




that's true.


license it. Yeah.


Yeah. Um, this last one I just put in there, um, just again, as an idea, um, one was really born out of a particularly dark time. Um, this is. Holly ITAs phallus Memorial, uh, that being the Latin word for bald Eagle. And I just thought if we wanted to lead a, to our




heart wrenching failure as an organization to protect bald Eagles, um, we could like really honor, um, our follaide Fred.




I, um, I really love where your heart is at on this one. Um, pretty sure this would be a strong admission of guilt, which our lawyers have advised not to do. Uh, anything like, um, us, it is very.


do not believe that we are guilty. I still honestly think those Instagram pictures of the Eagle on the couch are damning evidence against, uh, that gets that owner.


know I just be still comes in my dreams to me. It's just, it's bit of,


a doctor for that.


oh, please. It's been a really rough time. Okay. Like was basically a boat with that Eagle by a tire trip in the Arctic. It was just sitting there, like me to a atone for my sins. I'm sorry, I just threw this one in there just as like a thought. Uh, cause it's definitely the only thing I buy by these days.




I'm glad you got it on paper.


Thank you. I appreciate that. Um, yeah. So, um, I just want to all for some of those ideas. Obviously we don't have to decide today. You really want to, I want you guys to really ruminate on all of these. I just have one more.


Oh, great. Wow.


Kate did you think I would not find out about ed C I S do you think I would not find out about the fact that my son is working with bark? Habbad


I thought I knew you'd find out. I thought you'd be happy. You know, um, bugs beat bugs me needs to make us money. Okay. And this is a way to do it.


I put this as a logo idea. That's the dead don't sit because I've been ruminating my murderous thoughts for a while, you know? And it is true. If you think about it, the deadly laid down, they don't sit, they just don't have the muscles to actually sit up.


I mean,


true. They can be posed in a seated position, but






Right. They're not




themselves. Um, but also because I'm, I have had a long standing grudge with mark Haman since I was a teenager at the entertainment industry at


I don't know that. I


I will destroy and see yes from the inside.


wait, wait, wait, wait. No, no, no. Th this bugs me appearance in Antaeus has to go, well, it has to go well.


It will go well, we'll go well for


Well, what happened to


for Califia.


happened to Bugsby is his own person, his own entity. You've got to let bugs be go Califia you cannot push her grudge through.


I know he wants to do this, and I know this is his dream, but I have to protect him. can't let mark. Clabby little hands up. My bore precious boy.


bugs me is 22. He can handle himself.


I think of myself at 22, I was I


that's true.


that said, mean, legally now that emancipated as his own person, there's not a whole lot we can do. they're paying handsomely for the appearance.


Yeah. And we get most of that. I mean, the




bit goes to lawyers, but


I know. Like, he just became his own person. And as his mother, this has gotta be really hard for you.


It's really hard.


set or anything to do. You.


Of course I went on set.


Uh, why did you go on set


Did you really think that I was at the Arctic this past week? Do you know how difficult it is to get to the Arctic this past week?


Sounds very callous.


to the architect where you at all week?


Yes, it was the Arctic of my soul.


I thought when they messaged me and sent all those emails about the contract changes that, I don't know, they sent it to the wrong person.


Why do you think. I so keep to negotiate things at C I reasonably solid its effect.


wait. So you were at sea, you just weren't in the area.


That was it and see.


and CIS, I was there. and I was negotiating for bugs be okay. And sometimes when there's negotiations go wrong, you go out on a boat with mark.


you were at sea


Yeah. Obviously they feel that LA LA is at the sea. Okay. I can do both.


isn't that where see asses nothing vague.


That's Vegas. That's Vegas.




so much.


Okay, well, let's review all that together. Um, I hope mark. Hammond's okay. I mean, I'm glad you're okay.


He knows what.


can I just say I'm a little bit obsessed with this, the dead


yeah, we've got.


It's really like of all of those fitness brands that were coming for us on Twitter thinking they were so clever. feel like it's important to remember, like, Hey, you push yourself so hard, you just, like you were saying about me and my Peloton, like, uh, you got to rest, you have to take breaks dead don't sit. So sit while you're alive.


I feel like all the logos about death than life. And I don't know if that's exactly where we want to go. I feel the same way about the French monarchy thing, but,


Yeah, there's the, do you know if there's a brand identity and then there's an ad campaign?


And blood red is already in our brand kit. So wouldn't have to change a lot of the colors for this.


Okay. Well, w we have so much to think about, um, I'm we got through everything. Um,


I think you're right. I think this is the logo. mean, I've always said the best creativity is out of the darkness of my soul and




forcing rumination.


E yeah. What sleep.




dreamless Eagleford.


I'll give you some of my meds yet. You really should use them. We're at a good place. We're at a good place. This is further than we were half an hour ago. Um, I think, I think we should adjourn, you know, bull, you can send these out to everyone via email, I assume. And we'll review.


Yeah, we can all think of. Thank Y this is the right one.


okay. It's Thea. Thank you so much


Yeah, this. is


you to






I said Nana.


oh, did you just say as asinine?


I said, uh, yeah. So the mantra that we were coming up with.


sure. I also think maybe it's not a good idea for us to keep that mantra. Let's just say that oddly, around the office, I've noticed the creative team doing that and just kind of overlooked it the last few days. Um, Okay. I'll stop the recording and we'll come back to.


This meeting has ended. To subscribe to this startup is being recorded. Go to the podcast player of your choice and tap a button that likely says subscribe. More content is on Twitter at startup recorded, or shoot us an email with ideas, feedback, or your personal startup horror story. At Kate is played by Valerie Garrison. Valerie is a health tech product manager and regularly plays with the improv troupe letters to chicken online. You can find her on Twitter at thevalgarris eric has played by Barry wright Barry is a product manager at Spotify and a co-founder of Highwire Improv. Find him by his name on LinkedIn, where he holds regular office hours or at Matt is played by Martin Mcguire. Marty is a senior web engineer and improviser in New York city. You can find Marty's comedy code and cats on his website at M M G dot R E. Calathea is played by Robyn Stegman. Robyn is a digital campaign manager for ocean Conservancy and is a comedian mostly found at Highwire improv. You can find her on all the social medias. And she does mean all at rsteggy thank you for listening.