This Startup is being Recorded

E10 - All PR is Good PR and Matt’s Peloton

Valerie Garrison Season 1 Episode 10


  • Clean up odds and ends from 2021


  • Matt to have a gentle 1:1 with Rachel
  • Matt going to move his Peloton and get a telehealth visit and some EKGs
  • Complete contracting regarding NCIS cameo

welcome to this startup is being recorded. This recording is improvised fiction. Similarities between it and the real world are entirely intentional. Now enjoy the recording.


uh, all right. And recording is on. Hey, everybody happy 20, 22.


We'll come back. We'll come back.


I know. I feel like I haven't seen you guys in weeks and weeks and weeks. Um,


It's been a little bit. Yeah.




our first official recording of the new year. Ah, sorry. Okay. So everyone listening, uh, John is still obviously in Bermuda. Um, so he won't be here and yet Thea also is on a holiday. That's what she said. Um, that's all she said. And, but I just wanted to use this since not everyone's back to do like kind of odds and ends. We have a ton of follow-ups I'm realizing, uh, that we haven't gone back to. But for anyone listening, we're um, we're Metta market for now still kind of for formerly known as about a market. It's a little bit of a gray


I mean the PA the paperwork, the lawyers are still crunching on it and, uh, California's team is still crunching on it. So I hope I forgot when she gets back from holiday, but we're going to start needing those names sooner rather than.


Yeah. It's getting, it's getting difficult to write things. But anyway, uh, we are a couch marketplace company that, you know, really ultimately will be shaping the future of trade, uh, to give everyone a more comfortable seat at the table. I am Kate Banchett. I am the chief of staff to John, our CEO. Um, and frankly, I, I missed this place. I mean, it feels like I never left in some ways, but I also, I missed it.


did you leave?


yeah. Did you end up going on a actual vacation?


Um, sort of, uh, I found out that there's a break room in the basement of this building. Um, and I just never knew that before. And it felt like a whole new adventure. I brought my passport. Um, there was no one to show it to, but to me that helped me get the feeling I was traveling.


wow. Um, but you, but you were here in the building






though, there is like a separate room you can access through like a tunnel. So I don't know if you would technically consider that part of the building or not, but




Anyway, uh, introduce yourselves and maybe say what you've been up to the last week.




Um, yeah,


go ahead. Go ahead. Okay. Um, yeah. Uh, Eric, uh, Joyce Carter, chief of product had product, uh, and yeah, spent, uh, the last couple of weeks on the open sea doing some, some diving, some fishing, uh, just some soaking in the sunlight as we hurdle around the, the solar system, once more, super exciting, uh, really pumped to get back. Think about some long-term stuff. Um, we'll talk about that when we get into all the odds and ends, but feeling refreshed


Uh, I'll go. Um, my name is That is also my website and I am the CTO here at the company currently known as Metta market. Um, for the last couple of weeks, I, um, I don't want to get too into it. Um, Disney vacation planned. Um, that's not a hundred percent what happened? Um, uh, this neither here nor there. Um, and my partner and I are still kind of hashing it out and I know she watches sometimes. So, um, we'll just, we'll leave that there. Um, but I am excited to be back. I know that. There were some members of my team that decided to stick through the break and continue with a parameter parameterizing out our, uh, our apps and, uh, backend code. Cause, uh, we've gosh, we just have met a market hard-coded in a lot of places and, um, whatever the changes though, we're going to be ready. Uh, so there's, there's been just an awful lot of find replacement. And, uh, proud of them and I'm proud, proud of what we accomplished last year, despite a lot of just really intimidating obstacles. And, um, yeah, I mean, obviously I'll save a lot of this for, for the bigger meetings coming up since we're doing odds and ends until more people are back.


right. Yeah. I did notice some of your team was here. I couldn't really figure out who it was. There was a lot of blocked doors, honestly. And, um,


Yeah. Well,


modulation, but


uh, well, lock doors is not too surprising. I mean, we do a lot of our server stuff in-house so, um, you know, there's access controls to, uh, not just the server cages themselves, but also the main server room and a lot of the corridors, uh, in and around that. Um, I did have, uh, something I wanted to ask your advice on specifically, Kate. With, with respect to, uh, the roster of who was on call, um, over the break. Yeah, I, um, so if I understood it right, uh, there were five people, uh, on my roster here. Let me just pull this up. Um, who, um, let's see, Rachel Peegrum, uh, we have, uh, Ray Trello, Raymond. Uh, I've got, uh, Uh, Michelle, uh, have y'all met Michelle she's she's kinda new. Um, she's


Oh, she had the really like, really specific requirements around which day she got paid something like only prime numbers.


yeah, she likes to do these beds. Um,




I'm kind of supportive because it's, you know, it keeps her invested. Like she's more of a problem solver. Uh, anyway, Michelle Palasky, uh, then we have, uh, Ronald, Ronald Peegrum, uh, no relation to Rachel and, um, yeah. And, uh, just, oh, just RP. I'm not sure. I'm not sure who that is. Actually.


I don't recognize a couple of those.


Yeah, no looking, actually looking at my. Log, uh, these shifts were claimed under the names of Rachel Peegrum, Ray P shell P RP, grim, and, and then just RP. Uh, then, uh, yeah, the thing I wanted to ask you about is I noticed when payroll went out, uh, after the break, um, Rachel P rim pulled down a lot of over. Uh, and, and looking back at the time cards, um, it looks like maybe this is just a timecard snafu, but like Rachel was the one clocking in and clocking out for pretty much all of those shifts, which I think was, was going to go to five different people. So, um,


uh, timecard snafu. I,




I just, I mean, not to say that I couldn't make a mistake, but I mean, I've iterated through that time card. Often, you know, I do my own time cards. I have fake time cards that I test on, on weekends evenings. Um, I have a few alternate, I have a few alternate, you know, fake employees that I use to like test time cards, but how could she get around the system? Well, is that what you're saying?


Well, gosh, I don't know, like reading back over these. I mean, I have heard Rachel tell people to call her Ray. Uh, I've heard her on the phone, uh, having someone refer to her as shell. Um, and of course just her initials are, uh, RP, grim and RP. It's possible. And let me check my email. I did send out mail to the other employees to make sure they got, you know, paid for they're clocking in, uh, I haven't actually looked at that. Okay. Okay.


we don't have email addresses for most of those people.


Uh, what we got let's see Michelle. So she was on vacation, um,




approved that. I did approve that. Yeah. Um, okay.


I saw her Instagram. She was on vacation.


And Raymond, um, oh, right. Yeah. Raymond was at home, uh, looking after his folks.


Oh, they're so sweet.


They are. Yeah. Um, oh, they sent a card in this email. That's very.


I mean, total separate topic, but I think this year we might want to revive grandparents day. Um, that was so fun. I just raised folks are adorable.


um, okay. I think I'm starting to get a picture here. Um, and I, I think Rachel used the ambiguity of the signup list to make it look like multiple people would be covering call. And then she just did it in order to get the overtime


or, or she did it maybe because she didn't have somewhere to go home for Christmas. Or, you know, maybe she was waiting in the office for a serendipitous holiday event to happen and change her life.


you Kate mentioned, uh, something about hearing someone moving around in the it space. A voice changer in use. Um, do you notice any other activity out of the ordinary


Um, Most of the snacks were taken out of the S the snack places, uh, refrigerator cabinets, you know, snack places. Um, but then I also saw most of the snacks just unwrapped and thrown back into the trash. Um,


like not, not eaten just a, the food thrown away.


some of them have little nipples taken out of them. Wait is, is Rachel the one that has like quite a menagerie of animals?


on her desk. Yeah.


Yeah. Yeah. I really that policy where we allowed people to keep pets on their desks is interesting.


Wait, live, handle.




Oh, I was referring to her collection of, of glass and stuffed animals. Uh, some of those are like pretty good collectors items. She's got several really hard to find beanie babies from back in the day. I didn't, yeah, I've never seen her there with live animals. Um, although if she was just hanging out here by herself, there's a chance. Well this, um, I mean, so I'm not sure what to do about this. Kate, is this like a disciplinary issue or.


well, we have it written into our contracts that you can bring pets to work. Um, and we don't restrict those by species. Cause I think that would be very unfair. Um, whole like, oh yeah, go ahead.


I mean, I don't know about you, but a lot of this sounds like pretty unusual behavior. Maybe we should just have one of us, you know, do a one-on-one and see if everything's okay. Maybe we can


Yeah. I mean, I think I need to have a sit down with Rachel no matter what, and just kind of see, like, if everything's okay. Um, mostly like I'm just interested in the transparency, that said I got no complaints about the work. Uh, every, every PagerDuty notification that went off was answered within moments. Uh,


very clean.


yeah, she did get work.


I just, uh, when you have the, one-on-one just keep in mind that it's, it's definitely a job seekers market right now. So don't do anything that might like get her angry, you know, if she needs more, more concessions at work, like we can always come up with something. Um, Let's, let's keep rolling on these odds and ends.


Yeah. Sorry. That was a, that was supposed to be a smaller.


quick one for me. Um, is you mentioned the. The name changed, still being up in the air and Matt, uh, the great work from the team. Parameterizing the code. Um, those two things are still kind of, uh, some gaps in where we're going to be for roadmap planning. So I reshuffled, uh, our yearly roadmap planning meetings a little bit. We're going to start with the 20 year roadmap next week. Cause we kind of assume everything washes out in the noise there. And we got all the reports from government bodies and the, you know, the climate change office and stuff to like inform the long-term. We're going to push the quarterly roadmap two weeks. Um, judge, hopefully we'll get some more information from the lawyers on how much we're actually going to have to change. Uh, and some more info from the end, the team on, you know, brand name, colors, et cetera, and how much, how big of an impact that's going to be. So you should all see that on the calendars.


Cool. Um, remind me again, how was the climate change report affects our roadmap.


Well, I mean, w we're trying to predict how efficient our computing systems are going to be, and that's going to have a lot to do with the, you know, processing and availability of rare earth minerals. Um, right now you want to know recycling programs. It's not clear how, how good that's going to be in 20 years. So


Yeah. And, uh, as the ambient temperatures rise, it's, uh, going to be more expensive to cool a data center. So you're going to see data centers migrating further north and further south, uh, away from the equator. Uh, also, you know, running away from rising sea levels. So excited, excited for that meeting.


Yeah, it feels like we just had it, but we'll


Oh, I mean there's. Yeah. And there's, there's a lot of detailed to dive into these are, we're talking high level stuff now. Um, Eric, I've been watching along some of those, uh, Google docs and


Oh good.


in areas it's mind twisting. So I'm really glad you got good modeling folks on.


Yeah. We're really real, like having some technical people with, uh, with that experience. So. Uh, great, great working with some of the people on the front end team on that too. I feel like they've, they've risen to the challenge of, of taking on some new stuff. So I appreciate that.


oh yeah. I mean, they love this kind of like a two 50 stuff, you know, like data


Data visualization.


It's there.


Yeah. Yup.


excellent. Okay, well, uh, also Calvin and Carter, uh, are having another baby.


the, uh, covenant Carter, the investors.


Yeah. Yeah. They are in their temporary housing. Um, building up models to rebuild. Um, they're going to add an extra bedroom for BB number three and yeah, I don't know. I'm just so excited because I get paid per child.


Oh, do you?






Wow. I still can't believe that you babysit for the investors that, that feels like too much, you know, but then again, you're, you're Kate. You do too much.


it just, it brings so much joy to my life. Also extra income. So.


Yeah. Uh, just, um, you know, between us, I mean, I guess in the, the streamers, but, um, is there any word on the investigation into their, uh, the fire in their previous home?


no, I mean, at this point, uh, it's pretty tightly pinned on flakes, uh, by Jorge and I don't know, they're kind of accepting that that's it. And I mean, with every box of cereal you buy for flakes with Jorge, there was an extremely long like form you have to sign to exempt, uh, floats from or hay from any potential home damage. So, yeah, they're a little out of luck, but, uh, also really rich.


Yeah, that's good. Well, it's weird. Um, the, I saw, I don't, I don't know if y'all follow. Flakes by Jorge had a tweet that where they actually like claimed credit for this, which I thought was a really bold brand move.


Yeah, I was going to mention it and I. I kind of pushed it out of my head, but I've read a, a blind item in the Washington post about some, some papers that came out. I think it was like the park off papers. Um, let me see this. It was, you know, some, some uncovered, uh, spy program, um, documents that were leaked and there was a mention of, uh, connections. Yeah, Silicon valley investors, the verge picked it up. Um, nothing really seemed to come out of it, but, um,


Yeah. I mean, that could be anybody


could be anybody, right?


because there just because when you were babysitting, you heard their kid talking about their friend party.




that's probably a really common Soviet.


I mean, it's not Karpov, but it's close.


It's close.


um, well, um, related, but not related. Let's let's say, um, I have an update on, uh, Des Moines. Um, the.




Yes, the, this sort of, um, zombie data center that we had there, that we were having some, uh, some real issues, uh, getting closure on. Um, Chelsea informs me that, uh, we're all good there. Um, it took some, some doing, but a developer recently purchased a whole chunk of that subdivision and they're going to be building a super target there. Uh, and, um, from what I understand it. Uh, it's already been leveled. So, uh, and I can confirm the, you know, no pink packets, uh, data center, a hundred percent offline. Um, so any backups we had there are couplets.


Amazing there. That's a really fast moving developer.


Yeah. Um, Chelsea really kind of understands the socio-political situations in de Moines. Um, Which reminds me. And I know we're, uh, waiting for an update on this, but, um, I want to understand more about what happened with the, uh, the couch mayoral campaign that we had running.


Yes. Yes. Um, I will find an update on that.


great. Thanks. Yeah. Chelsea was pretty cagey about it. She didn't want to give me details, but that's like, she's like a former seal, so everything's need to know with her.


Yeah. I mean, it's just, it's difficult to give an update because I think it's gotten to a point in Iowa a lot that really hasn't ever happened before. Um, so there's just like a lot of interpretation happening, uh, and it seems like no one is satisfied.


is it going to get, is it going to keep going up the court system? You think


it seems so


a boy.


yeah, it's a little bit problematic that we not only brand the couch under our brand, but you know, we, as a corporate identity, we're essentially running. So, I mean, there, there is a chance, uh, for us to make it to the Supreme court, but you know, you know, these things work. It's a couple of.


Well, you know, this is, this is what happens. The citizens United pretty much guaranteed that something like this will be done if it's, if it wasn't us, it would be somebody else.






And we'll, we'll be, we'll be good with it. We'll we'll. Do wrong with our mayoral power.


Yeah. I mean, you know, not, not what, uh, assuming we actually get, get the spot.




Yeah., Matt, I did want to ask if you were still using the screaming room for your Peloton, uh,


Oh yeah. Uh it's um, it should be back tomorrow. I had a shipped with me on vacation and.


oh my God.




You're going to, you're going to keep using it.




Yeah. Why?


You didn't, you.


Uh, I didn't see what I mean. Did, did y'all see, like I hit a 52 week streak. Um, I'm really sticking to it. And, uh, this power zones program I'm doing is like really changing my endurance really.


have to be careful you can't. I what about your heart?


Uh, what about it? I mean, this kind of cardiovascular exercise is excellent for my heart.


Yeah, but, but not always. Didn't didn't you see? Didn't see, he died a few weeks ago






on a Peloton, Mr. Big,


I don't know who that is. Who's missing.




what do you not watch


Carrie's husband


like a Marvel character, right? Mr. Big.


Um, Marvel character, no sex in the city. New York.




there's the revival happening?




got into sex in this.


Well, that doesn't matter. The point is that Mr. Big died on his Peloton or as a direct result of it. And it's just, we can't


Remind me, Mr. Big, you said is Carrie's husband


Carrie's husband after a long back and forth relationship, powerful investment banker eats steak smokes, cigars, drinks, a lot of red wine and crushes the Peloton. And,


First three things sounded really bad for your heart.


but he died on the


drinks, smokes a lot and eats steak.


It's and then, I mean, but how could, how could you keep going after what it caused for Carrie? You know,


Uh, remind me, Carrie is she's the main character in that


wife? Yeah. Yeah. She's a sex columnist. They almost didn't get married cause he didn't show up. was rough and now he's dead and you just keep riding the death machine in our office. Like, how do you think that's going to make us.


Sorry. So the, the like long suffering husband of the main character of a fictional TV show died, uh, in a, in a scene that was written by fiction writers. And you're worried about. The Peloton bike in that scene can kill people in real life.


it could be anything.


it's not worth the risk.


That's that's not how it works. I mean, any, any kind of strenuous exercise can put strain on the heart. Uh,


What other


is already in bad shape, I mean, does this, I hate to even ask this, does this character have a history of heart trouble?




I mean, when it comes to love,


does it?


Have they, I mean, have they like had heart issues before in the show?


Again. Yeah.


he could never commit.


Okay, listen, um, I, I can take if it, if it makes you feel better, I can keep the Peloton at home. Okay. Or, uh, make a corn for it in my office. So nobody has to see me riding it. Uh, but I'm definitely. Writing. It's really good for you. It's a great habit to be in a it's really smooth way to get an aerobic workout.


It at least at least have a tele-health appointment with our, our insurance folks or


Okay. Yeah. I mean it's new year. I'm due for a doctor's checkup anyway. Um,


would, that would really help us.


They have a series of EKG that they can do, um, for people just for free it's part of our package.


oh, wow.


Oh, that's pretty nice. Yeah. Yeah. I would love to do, I've never done a, like a, a stress test like that before, so it sounds fun. Wow. Uh, I, I hope is this. This is like a pretty common feeling like this thing happened to a fictional TV character, and now everybody's freaked out about the real life exercises.


Yeah. Things that happen in TV have a huge impact on, on reality. So I mean, huge.


okay. Well, I'm sorry. You were both worried about it. Um, let me just assure you, it's going to be fine and I will take steps to prove that.


Okay. Okay. Um, let's see. Ya. Okay. Currently I have a couple other quick things. Um, oh, speaking of the pet policy, um, I, my mantis shrimps will be arriving tomorrow. So if you see something new on my desk, um, just don't worry, but also don't eat them.


Yeah. Well, don't mess with them. Right? Mantis shrimps pack.




Yeah. I just know now that Eric does fishing. So I guess I just want to preface Eric that if you ever feel like fishing, um, any of my aquariums should, should not be, uh, subject to your fishing.


absolutely. That won't, that won't be an issue


Okay, great. I mean, we just had that problem with, with Paul last year and


Oh, right. That was bad. That was bad. That was, that was not very nice.


I mean, granted people probably shouldn't have chickens in the office anyway, but I also think when someone has a pet, you shouldn't eat it.


yeah, that's a, I shouldn't have to write that into the policy, but we did.




Um, yeah. Speaking of, of holiday gifts, I got a new coffee machine, uh, for my desk. So if anybody wants to try that. That's great. If you want to have the team, put it on, uh, our, our login system. That's fine. I think it supports that, but no, no, no pressure. I'm happy to keep it off, off the network. If that's better.


Yeah. Well, that's fun. Oh, I I'll bring in some roasts to try out


Okay. Yeah, that sounds


have a, do you have a grinder to go with? Okay. Do you like it? Cause I've cause I've got some suggestions.


Oh, absolutely. Yeah. I mean, I'm


Oh, sweet. Okay. Oh, nice.


go along for the


It's a, it's a, just a, it's a bird grinder, right? That you have. Oh man. All right. You're already out. You're in good shape. I don't. All right. I'm looking forward to this. Okay. That's


Looking at you to bonding. I love it. Okay. So last, last quick thing, we got an email, um, from NBC ABC, one of those, um, they'd like to use one of our couches in uh NTIs. So




yeah, they didn't give details, but I mean, Any product placement on TV as a good product placement. Right. So I figured why not? So we've got the docs in the lawyer's hands and, uh, CIS and February's what's coming.


wow. It's CIS. Huh? That is a, just what a L a history show do you know? They're in their 19th year.




Wow. On CBS and USA. That's that's, that's going to be everywhere.


That's cool. I wonder what that's going to be like. Yeah.


Good. Just good. Just


of our couches, do you think? Uh, oh man. Califia might I wish she was here. She would probably be really. Cause. Cause what if, what if canonically did they really? Because like, what if canonically bugs me and the NCI S universe, like the Metta market and NCI universes, man.




yeah, they fortunately, um, I mean, bugs be, we've already spun them out into its own independent contractors, so, um, yeah, he's already connecting with them, um, uh, you know, via. MI slash lawyers, but I figured, you know, no need to bother Thea about this. We'll just get bugs. We signed up and, uh, all PR is good PR. Right.


Do you see, he has an IMD page now?


no, I haven't


bud speak.


Yeah. Bugs me. Pre-production NCIS


It's going to be exciting. It's such a, it's such an action packed show. Uh, and I mean, just like, you know, it's a team of really well-meaning folks working really hard to catch just like really hardened, violent folks and people who just like, they are willing to do the most. Uh, that's gonna be exciting to see our couch on that.


Well. Uh, okay. Well that was all the odds and ends. I had anyone have any.


uh, I think that's all I've got for now. Looking forward to digging into the bigger chunkier stuff. When more people are back.


We love the chunks. All right, let me stop the recording.


This meeting has ended. To subscribe to this startup is being recorded. Go to the podcast player of your choice and tap a button that likely says subscribe. More content is on Twitter at startup recorded, or shoot us an email with ideas, feedback, or your personal startup horror story. At Kate is played by Valerie Garrison. Valerie is a health tech product manager and regularly plays with the improv troupe letters to chicken online. You can find her on Twitter at thevalgarris eric has played by Barry wright Barry is a product manager at Spotify and a co-founder of high-wire improv. Find him by his name on LinkedIn, where he holds regular office hours Matt is played by Martin Mcguire. Marty is a senior web engineer and improviser in New York city. You can find Marty's comedy code and cats on his website at M M G dot R E. Califia is played by Robyn Stegman. Robyn is a digital campaign manager for ocean Conservancy and is a comedian mostly found at Highwire improv. You can find her on all the social medias. And she does mean all at rsteggy thank you for listening.