This Startup is being Recorded

E4 - Team Building with a Buzzfeed Quiz

Valerie Garrison Season 1 Episode 4



  • Find ways to get Calathea’s answers to the quiz questions (likely by changing the 2-factor authentication questions required to use the VPN)

welcome to this startup is being recorded. This recording is improvised fiction. Similarities between it and the real world are entirely intentional. Now enjoy the recording.


Oh, yep. Okay. And we're recording. So I am so pumped for team building today guys. Um, but before we jump into all the excitement, let me just uh, for the posterity of the recording, explain you know what this is, uh, John, John couldn't make it. Um, yeah, he texted me an emoji of a Lama. Um,


not so


Yeah. Yeah. We really have to figure out what that means soon, but it always seems to mean he's not coming to the meeting. Yeah. Anyway, this is Metta market. We are a startup, um, currently at couch market place but of course, really, truly working towards revolutionizing trade and giving everyone a more comfortable seat at the table. Yeah. Uh, we are today doing a team building exercise. Um, We are still in conference room B of course. And, uh yeah, Kelsey is not here yet, but I figured we could just start the recording and hopefully she'll get here soon but yeah. Does someone want to start by introducing themselves to the potential future employee listeners?


Sure, I can. Um, my name is, uh, Matt, That's also my website. Um, if you want to learn more And, uh, I'm new if CTO been here for a few weeks and, uh, I just want to say Kate, um, thanks. You, you really didn't have to put this together. Uh honestly, it's is um, this is so much.


Yeah, no, I really I really kind of had to after all the anonymous surveys were submitted um, it seemed like team building was like the big gap, a big one big.


Okay. Oh, so are we, we're like, uh we're starting out with the executives and then we're going to kind of expand out to the, Okay. Okay


It's a full day of team building. So after this, you're scheduled your individual teams, you'll have one-on-one team building exercises with each person, as well as the whole group. We do have a team lunch, a team dinner, a team happy hour, um, and then a team clubbing event, which is not officially on the agenda for certain reasons. But yeah, it should be good.


Um, sorry Yeah then go ahead. I just need to, um, send some quick emails, canceling some things that we were planning.


Got idea. Yeah Eric.


Yeah. Uh Eric Carter or joy Carter, uh, at a product here at Metro market and I am pumped. I love team building and I love getting to know people. Um, this is this is going to be great. And I have had this day booked completely free for the last two weeks.


So. Which is amazing. I mean, it was when you actually booked the day is how we decided what day to do it, because we obviously planned this week ago. Um, but yeah. Oh, uh, Kate Blanchet, I'm the chief of staff here. I worked with John, our CEO, um, yeah. Who isn't here today because of the Lama emoji and yeah, let's let's I have some really cool stuff and we only have 30 minutes, so I hope Califia can get your. Last team building event. I know she was the life of the party at the last one.


Uh, if you don't mind, I'd love to know what was the last one? Like what uh, what things did you get up to you?


I mean, we started at the zoo. Uh, yeah.


Oh my gosh. We got a private tour of the baby animal exhibit. Yeah. Yeah. They actually put all the baby animals together, no matter their breed, um, or species just for certain


that's super nice. Was that a, was it like a petting situation where you allowed to interact with the animals?


It wasn't there S yeah there was some issues with the animals They, this was actually the first time they had done it and they realize. Baby birds and the same places, baby cats. And as well as like baby lions, it's like not a good, oh


yeah, there were deaths there. Visceral deaths. We actually pushed lunch back by an hour just to give people time to settle. Um, but it was a good it was, you know, we, we were able to turn that into a very good lesson about the market and the industry We had an afternoon brainstorming session. Assigned animals to our various peers and competitors, uh, based on what we saw in the morning. And that really got people thinking in a more abstract way about the business, which was good.


Yeah So yeah if you ever hear code names that are zoo animals, you know, baby blue Heron is Facebook. Um, baby ocelot is, uh, Craigslist.


Yeah. You know what That explains actually, a lot of things I've been seeing in our code base


Yeah There's definitely


class names. I want to make a quick note of that. Kayla


Thea just sent me a message Uh, here, let me just play this for everybody.


Hello everybody. This is Califia. I know you guys are expecting me at team building today, but unfortunately I did talk to my psychic this morning and she believes that I can add no new people to my social circle doing so would upset the delicate balance and could leave To a life-threatening emergency or a fall in my Instagram follows. You must understand that this is very important to me, but you all also are very important to me So it does pay me to say that I can't team build with you because I can't move you deeper on my own personal ladder of engagement. I can't have you move from work acquaintances to any sort of deeper, more meaningful relationship. I have to have it just stay there. I wish you all the best and I'm sure you'll learn so much about each other that I will never know and important to note. Never want to know, because again, I just simply can't handle it. My social sphere is a delicate balance and honestly, one that this company relies upon. We can't put my life in jeopardy because you know, my life is not only the life that gave birth to Bugsby but also the life that is the creative heart and soul of this company. I'm so disappointed to miss. Honestly, I am. I would just be crying and some deep dark corner of my soul in which my creativity is birthed. So per usual, you all have a wonderful time Tata


facts. Is this still going to work with just the three of us?


Yeah I think, I think it's worth going ahead Um, okay. Hold on.


Did she say her Instagram follows would decrease the amount of people that she's following like her activity following other people. She did


say that, that,


wasn't clear Yeah.


Who is she going to stop following If she team belts with us,


I guess she doesn't want to find


out. Hmm. She has exactly 150 followers.


Maybe she's expecting that after this, she would have to follow'cause she definitely doesn't fall on me. No


me neither. Yeah. I'm not on Instagram, so that's no, no worries there.


Okay. Well, I also, I really thought that she was just like the blood of the organization I guess like your heart pumps, your blood.


Yeah Yeah. She hits, usually says life lifeblood I think Is that right?


Yeah Interesting Maybe something.


150 is an interesting number. Isn't that a that's close to Dunbar's number right? Like the theoretical number of relationships you can a single person can maintain. Yeah exactly.


It's true.


Fascinating I wouldn't have thought her to choose a number. Uh so based on science or otherwise first-generation


Pokemon. Oh, you don't count.


That also feels like something she probably isn't


Yeah, I would expect Califia to, um,


not, not my expectation either. Yeah.


Anyway, let's, let's get started. I have, um, something kind of light and fun the start Um, so it's a quiz actually that helps us figure out what season actually matches our personality.


Okay. I see. You just sent the link over.


Okay Cool So everyone click on it, but but let's like talk through the answers. Cause I think that's the fun of it, you know? Okay. Yeah. So the first one pick a breakfast, your options are just coffee, cereal eggs or smoothie. Hm. Hm.


I mean, I, I believe in a Hardy breakfast. Um, but I feel, I feel like eggs are like, not quite enough, um in a smoothie if you make it right, you can, you can get everything in there. Put some peanut butter and some flax in and. Plenty of protein. Yeah, that's true. Uh, I don't know. What do y'all what do y'all think


I'm going to assume they mean any kind of egg you want. Um, and the eggs that my duck lays are just, they are real Hardy So I think I'm going to go with ex


that's Nice to know. Do you have a yard? I didn't, I didn't, know. You had to duck so it's a indoor indoor ducks.


Well, I mean, it's indoor in the same way that like dogs or indoor dogs you know, you take them on walks, you take them to parks. Uh, you take them on social events with other animals that they're type So similar to that, that's really cute.


Uh what's what's her name?


I just


duck. Duck.


It's very, it's very cute. I like it. Yeah


Anyways, Eric, what's yours. Uh,


I'm also ex one of my great joys in life is making a perfect French omelet every morning takes a little while, but oh


yeah you must have the special pan for that. I do. Yeah. Oh wow.


Yeah. Wow. Yeah. What do


you put your next two eggs? Just a little bit of fresh chives from my little window box garden.


I love how you send pictures of that. It really cheers me up. Yeah.


It's just, it's it's a new picture every time. It's not, it's not, I'm not just sending the same. Um, that's.


Hmm that helps.


Well um, I don't want to put the same answer as everybody else. Uh so I'm going to go with smoothie uh, because I, I do like a good breakfast moody I feel like they can really energize you for the day.


Yeah. You feel like a person that is like a combination of a lot of things, so,


oh, thanks. I mean, I guess I think


Yeah. Yeah. Anyway. Okay. How do you feel about naps? That's the question too.


Okay The options. I love them. I can't nap. They make me feel weird and no thanks. Wow There's I feel like that doesn't quite cover the whole range Yeah. I also kind of feel like I both love them and they make me feel weird. Uh but do I love them more than they make me feel


I definitely love them. I actually did. Um, uh, did that program for a few years where you don't sleep a full night? You just nap for like 15 minutes, every two hours Um,


yeah. Did they, uh, did not turn out to be really unhealthy long-term yeah. Okay. Yeah I remember reading about that.


Yeah. I was in a few of those articles Oh really? That the people that they used on a study to assess it. Right. Wow But clinical reach research pays really well. So if you are ever looking for some exercise income, I mean just joining a few studies. Wow.


Okay. Uh, Eric, what about you?


I can't nap. I, oh, sleep once a day. Um, even that sometime is a struggle. Uh sometimes Can't shut down. Um and so if I ever did have an app, it might make me feel weird, but it's never happened. I've never had an app at oh, well, I mean I guess maybe when I was a kid, maybe it was when I was a baby. I napped it's possible.


It's you're like a different person now than you were then. Yeah. It's completely different. All right. Well, I'm going to go with, they make me feel weird since it looks, it looks like I love them as covered. Yes.


Yeah. Um, guys I have to go really quick. I'll be back. Okay. Cool. Okay. Okay.


Uh well do you think we should keep going? I guess she can catch up. These are all pretty simple, I think. Um, do, do you like hiking? Oh yes No, if it's not too long, eh, it's okay. This is another one where I really like to check a lot of boxes, right? Like


there's some pretty incredible hikes out there. Yeah, we're going to talk about like hiking in the park 20 minutes from here, then


Yeah Like, I, I don't, I don't mind going on a hike. You see some nice scenery, but I'm not going to do it on my own. Like it's a togetherness activity. That's it? Yeah.


Solo hikes are


a big now. Yeah. And so, and even then, you know, I'm, I kind of prefer if it's not too long, I think I like, I like a hike, so I think that's what I'm going to go with.


I'd never initiated a hike,

Track 4:



same. Yeah. Same


thing. I'll go with that. It's okay. I will accept dike, but I will not start,


right. Yeah. Uh, all right. Pick one. TV, music, books, sports. I feel like they're leaving some things out again. Um Well, if I can only keep one.


Okay. I'm back. Sorry.


No worries. Califia has psychic just called me. Um, Hmm. Yeah, she said that if any of us, uh, try to reach out to her today that she will personally come here and do something that we think will be really bad for the company.


Uh, wow. Was she specific or that, that was as much detail as she gave?


No, it was a very.


Specific about what it meant to reach out. Cause I definitely sent her a slack saying that she's okay.


Um, um, at, she was not specific, she was also very vague, but is there a way you can delete the slack? Yeah,


we can. I think we can delete messages in slack. Yeah. Just, uh, if she hasn't checked it, then that never happened. Uh, it was delivered, but it wasn't




Great. Nice. Okay. He's easy. Uh, well, okay. We, we went ahead and answered the next couple of questions. So if you want to catch up with


you like hiking Yes. Okay. Hiking is like, oh my gosh. It's I mean hiking to work every day, just like gives you such a powerful feeling. You know, you show up. I run this I that's my favorite part of every


day. I, uh, I didn't know. You walk to work. Um, I guess your parking spot is always empty. Um Hmm. Yeah, that's cool. I just assumed you bike or, uh, do public transit.


I know how to do those but I just find hiking so valuable. What'd you guys put?


Uh, yeah, and I, uh, I said, if it's not.


Okay. Got it. I'll I'll okay. The company retreat plans might change a little bit but okay.


That's okay. Yeah. As long as it's not too long Yeah.


Yeah. I mean, we were going to do a section of the Appalachian trail together, but I think sounds like maybe


it's the sections. I'm sure I'm sure they vary in length. Yeah.


Yeah. That is true. The section. Anyway, neither here nor there. Um, great. So are we on the next


one? Yeah, we were, uh, we were just mulling over TV, music, books, or sports. We can pick one. I feel like I'm going to go with books, you know, give me a good book. I can, I can get away somehow. I'm assuming in a world where I, I can only pick one that there's a lot of other problems and. I'm not going to necessarily be being able to rely on like TV, which I like to watch with other people and talk about music, which I think other people have better taste than me. Um, sports. I could probably save my energy if it's that kind of a world. So I think books I'm going to pick


books really layered on a apocalyptic scenario to that benign question, man, I


don't, I don't know that I see it as benign. Pick one. Why is it? Is it for a bet Uh, yeah, like I need to, I need to understand more about what's what's happened or what's going to happen. Why do I pick one?


What do you believe is going to happen to the world?


Um I mean, if, if this question came to pass, I feel like I answered that pretty clearly. Do you mean in general?


Yeah, I don't know. I just, my mind didn't jump to apocalypse. Very certain Eric's mind did notch them to apocalypse. Sure


I had apocalypse, um, you know, maybe that was too specific but uh it could be that I'm being dumped on a desert island or, uh, stranded on a mountain top after an airplane crash. Um, you know, any, any isolating situation where, uh, you're not going to be able to plug back into civilization quite so


Okay Okay so. this, this, question is really more about like you're on a plane by yourself full of something and you crash onto an island Which of these do you want?


That's interesting. Yeah. Well, I mean, it would be supplies. Yeah.


You have teams people with you.


Yeah. But is it sports? Sports equipment. I mean the recordings


of sports


games. Yeah. It was at the concept of sport. Cause those could also be books they're just manuals about. Yeah. Or it could be television it's recordings of old games. Mm I'm just going to,


I'm going to email the author of this quiz. You real quick.


Do you know the author for this quiz,


but they've got their contact information at the top and then socials, actually, maybe I'll just tweet


Oh, that's a good idea Oh yeah.


Okay. Anyway, I'm going to stick with books. I think I'll stick with books, sticking to sports.


Cool. Okay.


Going to go with, well, yeah, I don't own a TV. Um, and I don't really follow sports mostly cause I don't own a truck and then music, I can kind of just create my own. So I think I'll go with books to.


I feel like if you can create your own, the music seems like a good one to go with then you're you're self-sustaining I guess you'll have it


anyway. You can make it. Yeah. Is it the concept of music is like all of, even the concept of music gone or is it just music


weird to think about if, uh, if the concept of music has gone and you S you look at, I dunno, ukulele, uh, what do you see? Like, what does that, what does that trigger in your brain? Hmm. Oh, yeah, that makes sense. Got an obvious grip and a swinging part, pretty fragile weapon, but, um, yeah.


Yeah. I mean, it, it it does really well for preventing attacks actually.


Oh, nice Yeah Defensive sort of a sticky. Yeah.


Yeah. Cause if you wave at fast enough no one can actually tell exactly what it is It looks a lot more weapon like, um, and I at the right speed Um if you're also like spinning your body around, it kind of looks like it's attached to you, which is also an extremely threatening, uh, kind of situation. So, yeah.


Hmm All right. Uh, are we onto the next one? We have the, it looks like another pick one. Gosh, these are, these are.


Again. Okay. Sorry. Pick one pool, ocean lake, or hot shower. So again, we're saying we're on a plane with just one of these things and we're landing on a desert island with it.


I mean, maybe this does feel like a slightly different isolation situation. You know what I, when I see this like whether I go to the pool or the ocean or the lake afterwards, I'm going to want a hot shower to shower. Yeah. Cause I'm going to, whatever was in there. I don't want that on me. Long-term yeah. A hot shower


is the only one, but theoretically potable water.


True. Yeah. I fall. I've got access to, well, you know, pool, I guess they're supposed to maintain those, but if it's. An apocalyptic scenario. Where's the maintenance staff. Yeah. Maybe it's a magical shower, uh, to still be operating. Maybe there's some kind of geothermal heat available. Hot shower is good though. Yeah. I always like a hot shower.


I'm going to go with the lake, you know, cause I think a hot shower depends on society's infrastructure, still being around. Whereas like I can find ways to make lake water potable myself. So.


Imagine, like being stuck on a desert island with a hot shower and the water pressure is not good. Oh, that would, that would, that would just, that would dig into your soul after a few days. Yeah.


And if, if it is like a, an island, you're probably surrounded by salty ocean water, and then you're just taking a shower with water.


Yeah, no, I'm definitely going with the lake. I, I, a hundred percent could Terraform that island if I just.


You know what I'm I'm, uh, I'm sold by that actually I'm going to go with lake as well.


Nice. Yeah.


Okay. Last question. Do you


usually remember your training and




Yes, not really. Only the rare vivid ones, maybe at the time.


Interesting choices. Another one, I kind of want to answer with two of these, uh, only the rare vivid ones but I feel like I have those dreams a lot. So I kind of want to say maybe half the time.


Okay. Uh, one of the team building questions I had for later was talk about a dream you had. So I feel like we should just do that now, maybe. I mean, Matt, what are some of these vivid dreams or how.


Oh, sure. Um, they usually have to do with, um, kind of ever expanding to do lists, like finding that one thing that I need to finish, uh, leads to two more to do items before I can finish that leads to each one of those branching off into extra things until, uh, you know, while I may have wanted to, um, you know, bring in, uh, coffee for a meeting for everybody, uh, I ended up. Stuck on a bus. That's a driving across state lines, headed for Vegas, uh, in order to settle a debt. Um so it's just kind of like a long chains of, uh, extra stressful, uh, things leading to me being uh, lost and confused in the world And by the time I'm utterly baffled by what's going on. That's usually when I wake up.


Wow. It in the team retreat next month. Is it okay if we go to Vegas or take a bus?


Um, yeah, that she'll be fine. As long as I'm, uh, never left alone.


Okay. We were planning on having roommates anyway for the team retreat, so that's fine. That's


great Yeah. And, um do I need to bring the coffee or


I think that's pretty well. Yeah, that's pretty easy to find.


Okay good, great. Alright. Onboard, only the rear with at once. All right. Uh, Eric, what about you


Uh, there's not really a good answer for me because I really only have one dream. Um, so I guess I remember it. So I'm going to say yes. And then answer your question, Kate. Um, I lucid dream. Uh, and I lucid dream pretty much the same thing every, every night. Um, which again is the sports answer from before I lose a dream that, uh, I'm in the high school state baseball championships on the ninth at a grand slam to win the state championship. And yeah, it's basically replay that over and over until I went out. Yeah,


it sounds pretty thrilling


Yeah. Yeah


Ah, okay. So, so this is, it sounds like it's based on a real event.


Well, accept the fact that in the real, the real event I struck out and we lost and


I see, okay. Right. So sorry to hear that. Well, I mean, it's okay. Uh, yeah, I, I feel like at this point, maybe the, the weight of the dream memories is probably pushing down any disappointment from what happened in real life. That's the goal


And I feel like you always talk so highly about your high school days and the snowball shop and


yeah, when I wouldn't trade it for anything


Yeah. Matt, have you heard about the snowball shop?


No, I was, I was just thinking about me getting snowballs with all the flavors Uh, you, you will see you worked at one of these


Oh yeah. Oh man. I had a whole setup. I ran the snowball shop. Uh, well for, for two years in high school made my own flavor It was it was the social nexus of, of the area. It was all the all the hot gossip. Yeah it was my, it was my way to make friends.


It sounds pretty cool.


You can make a great snowball. You can make somebody smile and I've been chasing


that ever since. Yeah. Well, Kate, what about you? Do you, uh, how did what's your dream relationship or your relationship to dreams is what I mean


Yeah. Um I, I used to have dreams Um, I had a dream about duck once, um, duck followed me to work and got hit by a bus. Oh, And then the bus, it was like stuck in the wheel and it just kept like circling around and around. But But, then one of ducks, you know, wings was out and the bus flew away and then I couldn't even get tucked back. Oh, this is gonna happen, Kate, this didn't happen. So ever since then I've been prescribed a medication that prevents me from Oh, wow. Okay So is that have some nasty side effects but not nearly as bad as the idea of duck you're fed by a red


light bus? We don't, we don't have to talk about that.


Yeah. Okay. I don't know why I added that question to team building, knowing that this was my dream but that's something I did.


I mean this, this is definitely pushing us down the social ladder with each other. So I guess good It is avoiding this. Thank you for


sharing Kate Thank you. Thank you so much.


So what answer do I put in this quiz?


I guess I would, uh, similar to Eric. I feel like yes is the answer, but you chemically suppress the ability to do. So you don't have dreams, you don't have dreams that you don't remember zero divided by zero situation. Yeah. So I would, I would say yes


Okay. I'll put yes. Woof. Okay. This meeting is about to run over, but let's just do this last question. Um, finally do you hold grudges? Yes. I have a lot of enemies Rarely. Just one big one or I try not.


Well, okay. This is, uh, this is an intense question, uh to put in here. I feel like we're going to get to know each other, uh, uh, quite a bit here. Um, yeah, I I'm going to say rarely because that is true. Um, and I would say just one big one, but it's, uh, that's because there's there's two. So I'm going to say. Um, yeah,


I don't know. I don't know if we have time to get into it. Maybe just say like, if you want to just like one or two words about the grudges. Okay


Um, college and grad school. Oh


okay okay. I feel like I'm going to go with, I try not to also or


that's smart It's good.


Yeah. I just think people oftentimes don't mean the terrible things that they do Um, and the people who do mean the terrible things that they do get their punishment. So then you don't have to hold a grudge anymore.


Okay. So what kind of a just world belief. All right


Eric, what about you?


Wow. I would say I have a lot of grudges, but not a lot of enemies. Um, you know, I don't think it's, uh, a reasonable expectation that people will never make mistakes or that they never hurt us or cause problems. But it doesn't mean I have to hate them. Uh, and so I remember a lot of things that people have done that I don't like. But that doesn't necessarily mean I have to end my relationship with them or track them down and exact revenge So I'm going to go with it. I'm going to go with, you know, yes. I have a lot of enemies, but there's an asterisk Hmm. Okay. Very,


very light enemies. Yeah. Hmm. Okay. All right. Well, I guess that means we're done. Um yeah


What season does you get everyone say it at the same time? On the count of 3, 1, 2, 3


sprint. Sure. Oh sorry. It's pretty close. I mean, after everything, after every winter is a spring, so I feel like, uh, you know, and I'm the new one here. This, all, this all makes sense to


me. Makes sense Become a winter. That's what it


could be,


could be. Yeah. Sound right. But I think being a winter is great.


Yeah. It's good that we have a mix. I'm glad we're not all the same thing. That would probably not be good for, you know, uh, coming up with interesting ideas. I I'm just glad none of us were a fall cause after those apocalypse questions, I was worried that the fall answer was going to actually be like a fall and not automate. Uh, so


yeah, I have. Let's not tell Kathy about this, but let's try to get these questions out of her and then we'll do the quiz for her and then we can figure out what's CSUN She has.


I like that. Okay. Okay. Yeah Uh, we could add this in to, uh, some of her, uh, sign-in questions We'll make these, uh, like her two factor authentication questions for signing into the VPN. I


love it. I love it We're still using the VPN, huh?


The VPN is, uh, kind of a side project now, thankfully we're no longer running all of our customer's traffic through it. Nice. Um, it's, it's more of a way to get at, uh, questions like this, if that makes sense. So, um, don't tell Califia okay. Yeah. YouTube don't have to use the VPN just in case you are it's it's just for funsies.


I do find it kind of fun.


I mean, we're trying to keep engagement up for those that like it. So look for some of these quizzes there, you might see these exact questions, so be on the


lookout. Okay All right. Okay. Well, uh, I know we all have other team building events to go to, so uh, let's just wrap this up. I will stop recording.


This meeting has ended. To subscribe to this startup is being recorded. Go to the podcast player of your choice and tap a button that likely says subscribe. More content is on Twitter at startup recorded, or shoot us an email with ideas, feedback, or your personal startup horror story. At Kate is played by Valerie Garrison. Valerie is a health tech product manager and regularly plays with the improv troupe letters to chicken online. You can find her on Twitter at the vulgaris. Eric has played by Barry. Right. Barry is a product manager at Spotify and a co-founder of high-wire improv. Find him by his name on LinkedIn, where he holds regular office hours Matt is played by Martin Maguire. Marty is a senior web engineer and improviser in New York city. You can find Marty's comedy code and cats on his website at M M G dot R E. Califia is played by Robin Stegman. Robin is a digital campaign manager for ocean Conservancy and is a comedian mostly found at Highwire improv. You can find her on all the social medias. And she does mean all at our steaky. Thank you for listening.